This is a piston gout pump is on wheels promising more mobility in addition to its higher delivery rate and pressure. It is combined with three separate units; a continuous mixer, an agitator and a piston pump. The mixer makes homogenous grout mix, the agitator refreshes it and the piston pump delivers it to long distances at higher delivery rates and pressure. This kind of a grout set is one of the most useful and popular methods for contact and conslidation grouting.
It consists of two integrated units, one of which is a continuous mixer and the other piston pump. The ingredients are mixed with water inside the mixer and the mixture made under control. The pump can be run any time after the pump is loaded with the mixture. Then, it fills the borehole or area that the grout is applied.
It is ideal for applying any grout material; cement, gypsum, lime, refractory materials, geothermal grout, and bentonite with grain size up to 4 mm.